Academic Approach
1. Hands-on learning with industry grade equipment. Students spend over 2/3's of their class time in our shops, clinics and labs using equipment just like they will use in college or on the job.
2. Real-life learning. Of course, our students learn from textbooks, online resources, and class lectures, but it all makes sense when they apply what they learn to assisting, repairing, producing and/or creating in real-life situations.
3. Teacher to student ratio. Our programs average a 20:1 student to teacher ratio.
4. Work Experience. Learning lasts for a lifetime when you experience it. Most of our students leave with the equivalent of a year of work experience. After attaining the skills, students use those skills every day so that it becomes second nature.
5. Career 'talk'. Vocabulary is not some unknown words our students have to learn, they communicate and use those words every day. (If you walk into any of our programs and listen to the conversations, you will hear students and instructors talking, almost a different, 'career oriented' language.)
Career Advantage
The Career and Tech experience is a life changing adventure where students can encounter a career for the first time. Students are immersed into their career with other students from around the county who share their passion. Students learn in professionally reviewed programs and from industry proven experts. Students can prove to themselves that they have what it takes to earn certifications and college credits that most students have to wait until they graduate to achieve.
At the the Career and Tech, Students Do Not Have to Wait Until They Graduate to....
1. Earn college credits Students can earn from 3 to 16+ college credits, in their career field, while still in high school.
2. Acquire Certification(s) Students can leave high school with state or national certifications that prove to colleges and employers that they have the skills to be successful.
3. Learn from instructors with experience in what they teach. Our instructors average over 20 years experience in fields such as welding, nursing, carpentry, networking, criminal justice, cosmetology, auto service, and construction.
4. Attend proven/certified programs. Our programs are evaluated by local businesses and colleges (twice a year) and are certified by agencies like Project Lead the way, the National Center for Construction Education Research, Auto Service Excellence, CISCO, the National Institute for Metal Working Skills, the Maryland State Board of Nursing and Cosmetology, the American Culinary Federation and more. All this is done to make sure we are preparing students to be competitive in today's job market.
5. Get work experience in a career field. What is more valuable than work experience when students are applying for college or a job? (On top of the valuable experience in our programs, many students go on to complete internships during their senior year.)
From 7 High Schools
Our programs have students from all 7 Carroll County high schools. Students apply to their specific program so that students in each program SHARE common interests and passions. Imagine being in a class with students from all over the county, with similar interest, and being taught by an instructor who shares that passion. (Some go on to be college roommates and others start businesses together.)
- How can students & parents learn more about the Carroll County Career and Technology Center?
- 10th grade Open House: Held every October
- STEM field trip: 8th graders take a field trip to CCCTC and experience four of the programs
- Presentations: 9th and 10th graders have presentations by CCCTC counselors during the school day
- Tours: 9th graders in Feb. and 10th graders in Nov. (look for email and check our website)
- Counselor: Ask your counselor how to decide on a program, plan your schedule, and when to apply.
2. Can students earn college credits and does CCCTC have Honors and AP? YES
- MOST of our programs have articulated agreements with colleges and trade schools. These agreements allow students, who do well in our programs, to earn college credits at those schools. (Go to our website for a list of programs and college credits or see the front of the Program of Studies).
- Students, in some programs (on the 5.0 GPA scale), can earn from 3 to 16 college credits ON A TRANSCRIPT based on class grades and an end of program test. Programs with this option include: Both CISCO© programs, Engineering, Biomedical Science, Academy of Health Professions, and Homeland Security: Criminal Justice
3. Can students earn valuable certifications at CCCTC? YES
- Students can gain the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to earn valuable certifications during their time at CCCTC. Some examples of organizations that certify our students are OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Assoc.), American Culinary Federation, ServSafe©, State Board of Cosmetology, CISCO©, NIMS© (National Institute of Metalworking Skills), ASE© (Automotive Service Excellence), State Board of Nursing, NCCER© (National Center for Construction Education and Research) and AWS (American Welding Society)
5. How are programs reviewed to make sure they are current with industry standards?
- Businesses in the county review our programs regularly, colleges evaluate our programs to award college credit, and professional organizations evaluate and certify that our programs are teaching to current standards.
4. What are the minimum requirements for acceptance into a program?
- 11th grade status
- 2.0 weighted GPA
- 94% attendance
5. When do students apply?
- For FIRST ROUND DECISIONS, applications are due Dec 1st of a student’s 10th grade year.
6. Why doesn’t the minimum always get a student into CCCTC?
- Due to the limitation of space and resources, some of our programs have wait lists.
7. What happens if a student is placed on a wait list?
- The wait list is periodically reviewed for acceptance into a program pending openings occurring in the program and/or student improvement.