1. Career Connections: Career related internships through the CCCTC Career Connections program, are available to students who:
- Finish a CCCTC program
- Are recommended by their CCCTC instructor
- Meet basic criteria regarding grades, attendance, service hours, and required High School tests. (See the CCPS Program of Studies for minimum requirements)
- Show aptitude, ability, and interest
Interested students need to meet with the Career Connections Coordinator to determine if they meet the required criteria to begin the application process. Student applications must also be approved by the principal. Parents/Guardians are expected to provide transportation.
NOTE: Students receive a grade which is recorded on their transcript.
2. Academy of Health: Qualified Academy of Health students do clinical preparation for internships in the first semester of their program. Every effort is made to have qualified Academy of Health students, based on their performance , intern as, part of their program, in the second semester of their program. Because these placements are at community sites special requirements such as transportation, TB tests, drug test, and, in the case of nursing, passing the state boards are necessary requirements for participation. (See "What it takes" on the Academy of Health program page.)
3. R and D (In-house internships) The R and D program allows students ,who finish their program successfully, to come back to CCCTC as in-house interns. Qualified students, with teacher recommendation, may apply for this program. Space is limited. Application for R and D