Student Resources
- Student Newsletter (Fall/Spring)
- Parking at CCCTC
- CCPS Resources
- Certificate Ceremony
- Professional Standards
- Skills USA
Student Newsletter (Fall/Spring)
Parking at CCCTC
Please fill out the CCCTC Parking Permit Application and receive a valid parking sticker before the first day you drive. Students need to bring their driver’s license, car registration, $10, and a completed signed form to the Career and Tech's main office. CTC. Student’s schedule will be verified before the permit is issued.
- Permits are only valid for one (1) semester. (Permits from the fall are not valid for the spring)
- CCCTC students need to park in the side parking lot between the bus loop and the Community Media Center (Front Parking Lot is reserved for staff and guests)
- Please see the CTC Parking Permit Applications for more guidelines
NOTE: Carroll County Public Schools provides transportation to and from the Career and Tech Center from the student's home school (WHS excluded). For some programs (e.g. the Academy of Health) with community-based experiences parents are require to provide transportation.
CCPS Resources
CCPS Student/Parent Handbook webpage
County policies and guidelines followed by all Carroll County Schools, as well as other resources such as:
- Volunteer Handbook
- Internet, Mobile Phones and Texting Safety Tips for Parents
- Grading and Homework
- CCPS Exposure Control Plan
- Maryland Sex Offender Registry
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)/Portable Electronic Devices
CCPS Student Services Manual webpage
Services offered and guidelines followed for all CCPS students
Certificate Ceremony
Your text is mostly clear, but here are some suggested grammatical improvements for clarity and consistency:
In addition to earning credits for their high school diploma, students attending the Carroll County Career & Technology Center earn a Certificate of Achievement. This certificate will be awarded at the annual Certificate Ceremony, which is held at the end of the school year for seniors. Certificates of Achievement from the Carroll County Career & Technology Center will be awarded to each student who meets the requirements for a Career & Technology Completer Program as stated in the Program of Studies approved by the Carroll County Board of Education.
Students will be recognized for accomplishments such as certifications, scholarships, and college credits.
Students will be awarded the Award of Excellence if they also meet the following conditions:
- Achieve a grade of “A” in each course completed at CTC
- Maintain 96% attendance while attending CTC
Professional Standards
1. Our students are professional
Carroll County Career and Tech Center strives to give students an authentic, real-life experience. Our classrooms look like the shop, business, hospital, restaurant, and salon that students will work in once they graduate from CCCTC. Further, their teachers have worked in the chosen field and know what it takes to be successful. Students are asked to achieve industry standards in safety, planning, preparing, and producing. BUT that is not all that sets our students apart after they graduate. CCCTC also stresses professional standards. Every program stresses professionalism and every student's professionalism is evaluated.
Areas of Focus Are Unity, Safety, Productivity, and Reliability. (Click on the links below to learn more.)
Professional Standards Booklet
Professional Standards Evaluation
2. Our programs are professional
The following organization certify that our programs meet professional standards.
Program |
State/National Affiliation Industry or Assessment Option |
Academy of Health Professions |
Maryland Board of Nursing National Healthcare Association |
Auto Service Technology |
ASE Student Certification – Developed by ASE (Auto Service Excellence) in partnership with Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES), National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), and Skills USA |
Biomedical |
Project Lead The Way Stevenson University |
Carpentry |
National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) |
Cisco Networking Academy |
Cisco Systems CompTia |
Collision Repair Technology |
ASE Student Certification – Developed by ASE (Auto Service Excellence) in partnership with Automotive Youth Educational Systems (AYES), National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), and Skills USA |
Computer |
College Board – Advanced Placement Project Lead the Way |
Cosmetology |
Maryland Board of Cosmetology |
Culinary Arts |
American Culinary Federation (ACF) ServSAFE |
Drafting |
AutoCAD Certification available |
Electrical Construction |
National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) |
Skills USA
More than 300,000 student and instructors join SkillsUSA annually, organized into more than 17,000 sections and 54 state and territorial associations. SkillsUSA has served more than 9.9 million members.
SkillsUSA's mission is to help its members become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. SkillsUSA is an applied method of instruction for preparing America’s high performance workers in public career and technical programs. It provides quality education experiences for students in leadership, teamwork, citizenship and character development. It builds and reinforces self-confidence, work attitudes and communications skills. It emphasizes total quality at work, high ethical standards, superior work skills, life-long education, and pride in the dignity of work. SkillsUSA also promotes understanding of the free-enterprise system and involvement in community service.
SkillsUSA programs include local, state and national competitions in which students demonstrate occupational and leadership skills. At the annual national-level SkillsUSA Championships, over 5,000 students compete in 96 occupational and leadership skill areas.SkillsUSA programs also help to establish industry standards for job skill training in the lab and classroom, and promote community service. SkillsUSA is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and is cited as a successful model of employer-driven youth development training program” by the U.S. Department of Labor